Journey to Jameson

About Us

We are the Hayes family-- Brian, Gina, Owen and Jameson. Our son, Owen, is twelve years old and loves hunting and fishing with his dad and drumming in his two bands. We are so very proud of our new addition, Jameson Harper Hayes, the daughter and sister that completes our family.

I prayed for this child,
and the Lord has granted
me what I asked of him.
1 Samuel 1:27
We witness a miracle every time a child enters
into life. But those who make their journey
home across time and miles, growing within
the hearts of those who wait to love them,
are carried on the wings of destiny and placed
among us by God's very own hands.
~ Kristi Larson

Monday, October 18, 2010


Big day here in Guangzhou!!

We went to the American Consulate today for the oath taking ceremony and to sign the final papers to get J's Visa. I CAN NOT explain the relief of all this paperwork being behind me!!

Afterwards, MeMe and I celebrated with some more shopping. I need to go ahead and let Ashley know...I was not going to let you win. I think you know what I mean. LOL!

Even though I desperately misss my family, I am going to miss some things here in China -

1. The sweet people that I've met here, with my agency and with others. We have shared an adventure that few experience.
2. Learning about a different culture and seeing their way of life. The Chinese have been very gracious.
3. This amazing white grape juice drink by Minute Maid, not sold in the U.S.
4. Baby shoes at low prices.

And there are things that I will not be missing -
1. Having to always remember to not to use the tap water when I brush my teeth.
2. The smell in Nanchang at Wal Mart.
3. Sleeping on little more than plywood.
4. Feeling as I have a death wish everytime I get into or am in the vicinity of a vehicle.

Tomorrow is a free day, nothing scheduled. We'll probably put J in the stroller and enjoy the scenery around the White Swan. And then go shop some more!!

Just two more days and then we get on a plane for home!! So excited to see Brian and Owen and for them to meet Miss Jameson.


  1. I am so HAPPY the three of you are about to come back to BAMA! WOW! WHAT AN ADVENTURE!

  2. I can't wait for her to get here! I am counting down the minutes. I am going to Walmart today to stock up on Gerber puffs for Jameson and I thought of a few things that you might want too. Let me know if you have any specific requests! Love, Auntie Farrah
