Journey to Jameson

About Us

We are the Hayes family-- Brian, Gina, Owen and Jameson. Our son, Owen, is twelve years old and loves hunting and fishing with his dad and drumming in his two bands. We are so very proud of our new addition, Jameson Harper Hayes, the daughter and sister that completes our family.

I prayed for this child,
and the Lord has granted
me what I asked of him.
1 Samuel 1:27
We witness a miracle every time a child enters
into life. But those who make their journey
home across time and miles, growing within
the hearts of those who wait to love them,
are carried on the wings of destiny and placed
among us by God's very own hands.
~ Kristi Larson

Thursday, October 28, 2010

My First Week At Home...

We started off the week with a baby still on a China sleeping schedule, but after only a week, she's giving her tired parents a break. Jameson's taking 2 good naps during the day and sleeping most of the night. If she wakes, we can usually get her back down with just a little coaxing. Bless her little heart, she knows how much her mommy loves SLEEP!
Brian has been GREAT, getting up at night as much or more than me. So blessed that he got 2 weeks maternity leave, or I guess that would be paternity leave.
Jameson has had lots of company this week, incuding her great-grandmother, MawMaw Owens. She's had 2 playdates, trips to HBES and HBMS, a doctor's visit, and countless Wal-Mart adventures.
Miss Jameson's settling in and we're loving every minute of it.


  1. Love the picture of her and Great Grandmaw!!! So sweet

  2. awwww, Gina, I love the great pictures of Jameson. What an absolute little angel!!! I am so happy that you are back home and getting all settled in. It won't be long til' Christmas. What a blessing to spend it with Jameson!!! She is your Christmas angel :=)Hope our group can get together soon. Love, Lana
